Our Team

At our Falcon, we are proud to have a team of highly skilled and experienced staff members who are the backbone of the business. They bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise and dedication to their work, which allows us to consistently deliver top-quality products and services to our clients.

We believe that staff retention is key to maintaining a high level of quality in our production processes. Our commitment to our staff includes providing a safe supportive work environment where they can thrive and reach their full potential. We believe that by investing in our employees, we can continue to provide the outstanding products and services that our clients have come to expect from us.

Meet our management team

Our management team offers a unique combination of experience and energy, ensuring that you receive exceptional service. With over 15 years of combined service at Falcon, our team includes both long-standing members who have been with the company for a number of years, as well as newer members who are joining the business at an exciting stage in its development.

Stephen Mostyn, Managing Director


Stephen is a born engineer. Driven and passionate, he will not stop until he has found the perfect solution to any engineering headache!

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Melinda Durand, Office Manager


Melinda keeps Falcon ticking! Her skills in managing the workflow, finances and administration means that Falcon can keep problem-solving.

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Philip Slade, Operations Assistant


Philip provides crucial support to all of Falcon’s projects. As a recent university graduate, Philip also brings a fresh perspective and energy to our operations.

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